It all started in 1927 in the beautiful region of Vermion and Pieria mountains. For almost 90 years, we produce some of the most popular Greek cheeses, with absolute respect to tradition and and its history.
Since 1927, the company “Belas – Greek Premium Dairy”, which is located in the beautiful natural environment of Vermion and Pieria Mountains, produces some of the most popular Greek Protected Designation of Origin cheeses such as Feta, the Traditional Kasseri (Kashkaval from Sheep’s & Goat’s Milk), Batzos, the Vermion Smoked Kaskaval cheese, salad cheeses etc. Our company combines a 90-year experience with state-of-the-art industrial facilities that provide high-level productivity and quality standards.
Through a wide distribution network our high quality products are exported to over 30 countries in the world. In our facilities we implement all those standards, methods & strict requirements which ensure high quality, nutritional value & pure deliciousness to our products. The company has implemented and complies with the HACCP Food Security Administration System and is certified according to the following standards: ISO: 9001, ISO: 22000, ISO: 18001, BRC (British Retail Consortium), IFS (International Food Standard).
We are constantly investing in the development of methods
that allow us to ensure quality at all stages of production and
distribution of our products
Our facilities are applied with all the high-tech methods and strict standards in production to ensure high quality, nutritional value, and above all that the taste in our products exceed the expecatition of our consumers.
Quality for us means that we give our customers the respect they deserve by ensuring that their health and needs are met in the most feasible way. We are committed through the Quality Policy and we prove it with the quality system certificates of conformity in accordance with standards such as:
BELLAS FILOTAS & SON SA priority is to produce high quality products that meet the needs of customers and consumers. A basic prerequisite for achieving this goal is the implementation of systems, standards and quality practices and that is the reason why it undertakes and implements the Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008, the ISO Food Safety Management System 22000: 2005, the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety of IFS, and the
Quality System ELOT 1801: 2008 regarding Health and Safety at work. The scope of the system covers all the company’s activities, regarding production,storage and distribution of dairy products and designed according to the needs and goals of the Company and in accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements of the applicable Greek and Community law.
Responsible for the implementation of the Company’s commitment to quality is the Management of the company, the competent Directorates and every employee that has a direct influence on the manufacturing materials, packaging, manufacturing, storage and transportation of the products.
As part of the system imlementation, the company aims to:
Production and distribution of products that are based on safety regulations and meet the requirements of our customers and consumers.
Application of modern methods of production and control measures for the complete safety of the products that produces and sells against any natural, chemical, biological or allergen risk factor that may impair their quality and adversely affect the health of consumers. The company's commitment also includes the initiative not to use or dispose products containing or derived from organisms that have been genetically modified.
Providing the necessary resources for the implementation of the Systems and to achieve their Goals and Programs.
Environmentally friendy
Attainment of the state, quality and food safety standards.
Ensuring that the suppliers of the Company follow the same commitment to quality
and monitor the materials they supply, with systematic checks and inspections of the incoming products.
Availability of appropriate waste treatment plants for their disposal. Focusing on reducing the consumption of natural resources and energy.
Offering working conditions that are within the health and safety scope, providing equipment, training systems, information and management that they help achieve them.
Monitoring and performance measurement systems.
Description of the requirements arising from the respective Normative acts on the packaging of the company's products and wherever it is necessary to better inform the consumers.
Participation in the recycling of all types of packaging out of the factory area and encouragement of recycling, in collective alternative management and recycling centers, choosing for the managing of its wastes these contracted partners.
Respect to humans regardless of the race , sex, origin, marital status, preferences, and religion.
Commitment that the appropriate actions are taken to prevent accidents and occupational diseases and for the continuous improvement of the management and performance of the hygiene and safety at work.
In order to achieve the above objectives, all the necessary reports have been made during the documentation of the system. The principles of the company are attained through systematic planning, the control of the processes and the continuous improvement of all activities. The Management is committed to the disposal of infrastructure and equipment that is necessary for the implementation of its work. Each employee is responsible for the quality of his own work and it is imperative to contribute to the quality management, product safety, environmental protection, their own health and safety and to the achievement of the objectives set. For this reason, all employees, depending on their competence are informed about the Systems according to the established rules. Processes, flows and actions that do not guarantee the fulfillment of the objectives set, are immediately interrupted by those responsible. Analysis of the causes are conducted and established by the necessity to improve the measures.
John Zarkadas founded the first family cheese production facility in Aeginio, Pieria.
Filotas Bellas as the "new blood" of the family, implements significant changes and modernization of the facilities.
Advancing the construction of the new plant in Great Bridge-Pieria further streamlining the production process of cheese-making.
John Bellas (3rd generation) becomes a part of the company's workforce after 6-year experience at Price Waterhouse Coopers.
The company's interest is focused on exports and it is announced the implementation of an extensive investment program.
It is completed the 5-year investment plan of total € 14.5 million with the renewal of all the building facilities and machinery.
Employs over 100 highly skilled people.
Collects approximately 10.000TN of sheep and goat milk annually and it is capable of processing up to 200 tons of milk per day.
It is present in over 25 countries with more than 50% of turnover in exports.
”People are the key to our success’
Recognizing the contribution of the people in the success of our company, we provide the ideal choice for a working environment that supports the needs of our employees. Our company’s culture is characterized by team spirit and collective contribution while encourages initiative, freedom and participation in choices for the development of new, innovative ideas in an environment with equal opportunities. We invest in the professional development of the people through our continuous training and studies, while creating the proper environment for the evolution of our employees.
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